Enabling buyers to easily and confidently invest programmatic budgets with under-represented groups

A website must be at least 51% owned or operated by a member of these groups to be categorized. Some sites will fall into multiple groups:

African American
Minority Women

Minority Owned Groups

Women Owned

Under Represented Owned Groups

Purpose Driven Advertising is intended to level the playing field for underrepresented groups via the vehicle of Ad Spend

At Fairshare Ads, we have developed a methodology for manually verifying ownership of a site.

Fairshare Ads combs through thousands of sites to determine if they fit our criteria as underrepresented-owned. Our mantra is quality over quantity. We value accuracy above all else, so the ad spend is empowering the correct groups, and advertisers can feel confident that their investment is impactful at scale.

Manually verified minority and under represented site list at scale

After auditing dozens of other “minority owned site lists” from major SSPs, we found all other lists to be highly inaccurate, with errors such as listing corporate-owned Spanish language news publications as Latino-owned.

At FairShare Ads we enable an accurate, manually verified solution intended to drive scale and coincidence in purpose-driven investment.

Reach out to learn if purpose driven investment is right for your brand

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.